Merge Faster
to Ship Faster
Speed up Code Reviews by automating Pull Request sharing to one Slack channel, keep them in sync, and much more.
🦄 Features
Synced Pull Request Status
Pull request status are synced in the Slack message as emojis, open, merged, or closed.
- Merged
- Closed
Synced Reviews Status
Pull request reviews status are synced in the Slack message as emojis.
- Approved
- Changes Requested
- Comment
Multiple Channel Support
Different channels can be configured for different repositories. This can also be combined with a default channel.
Customizable Message Format
The Slack message can be customized by adding or removing content and emoji size.
- Default
- Show Additions & Deletions
- Emoji Size
Advanced Settings
All instances upload their config as a yaml file. However, only Premium users can configure more advanced settings: authors to ignore, repository to ignore.
- "my-so-private-repo"
- "another-private-repo"
- "myfirstbotuser"
- "mysecondbotuser"
❤️ Reviews
💸 Pricing
Recommended for those who want to speed up their code review workflow.
- Automatic Pull Request Sharing
- Synced Pull Request Status
- Synced Reviews Status
- Multiple Channels Support
- Customizable Message Format
Recommended for heavy users, those who like to ship fast as f**k.
- Standard features plus...
- Advanced settings
- Priority support
💡 FAQs
Do you have access to our code?
No, we follow the least privilege principle so there's no need for the GitHub App to request access to your code. You can check this during the installation process.
Can you read our Slack channels?
No, we follow the least privilege principle. We will only be able to interact in the channels the Slack App is invited to.
What data do you store?
We store the least data possible, mostly ids, or unrelevant metadata. We don't even store Pull Request titles.
Do you only support GitHub?
Currently we only support GitHub. However, new platforms are on our roadmap.
Do you only support Slack?
Yes, currently we only support Slack. However, new platforms are on our roadmap.
Is there a FREE plan?
Sadly, no. Even though you'll see many times the word "we", I'm a solo developer working on it, to keep doing so I need to charge for it